Publicación electrónica internacional de libre acceso. Periodicidad anual. ISSN: 2116-3480.           


1. Editorial policy

TCP will accept original articles related to the theoretical and critical work in and against psychology. The language of the review are Spanish and Portuguese. Only original papers, not published elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese, will be accepted. TCP welcomes Spanish translations from papers already published in other languages. In certain circumstances, the review may also consider translating papers already published in other languages.



2. Presentation of the material

Texts should be sent in electronic format, preferably .doc, .docx, .rtf or similar, to editorial@teocripsi. They may also be submitted through the Formulario para el envío de contribuciones

Should the images used have copyrights, it is the responsibility of the author to obtain the necessary permission.

Authors remain responsible for the content of what they submit for publication. The Journal reserves the right to publish, reject or edit the submitted material.


3. Information to be included

In a separate document, please include the following information: authors (name as it should appear in the article), institutional affiliation and email.


4. Reception and assessment of articles

Reception of an article will be notified immediately, and the results of the assessment will be communicated within six months after reception. An eventual definitive acceptance will probably depend on suggestions or modifications of the article proposed by the Editorial Committee.


5. Publishing Rights

If a work is accepted for publication, printing and reproduction rights in any way are retained by the Editor, even though the Editorial Committee will examine any petition made by the authors to get a permit to reproduce their contributions.

The Journal’s Editorial Board has the right to insert any formal modifications necessary to adapt the text to the publication guidelines.

After submitting articles to the peer-review process and their approval for publication, the Journal reserves reproduction rights in print or electronic format, and its inclusion in indexes and bibliographic databases.


6. Peer-reviewing

The articles will be peer-reviewed by internal and/or external reviewers. The reviewers will take into account the following criteria to decide whether the paper must be accepted, rejected or revised:

General formatting (syntax, grammar)

Internal consistency

Argumentative rigour

Theoretical nature and critical potentiality


Radicalism and alternativeness

Specification and scope

Interest for the readership

Relevant scientific literature appropriately discussed

Theoretical support for discussion


7. Length

The suggested word length for articles is between 1500 and 15000 words.


8. Language

The full text should normally be presented in Spanish. Please contact us if you wish to submit an article in any other language.  



9. Form and preparation of the manuscripts


Articles not fully compliant with these suggestions will not be considered for review and will be returned for their modification. Authors should send:


Title page, including:

Title of the work, clearly summarizing the main idea of the study.

A brief but comprehensive summary (abstract) of the work’s content. The abstract should not exceed 150 words in length. It should be writte in both Spanish and English.

Five keywords alphabetically sorted and written both in Spanish and English.


Citing a work in the text

When the author’s name is part of the text, only the first edition year is included in parentheses. When the author’s name and first edition date are not part of the text, both elements are included in parentheses and separated by a comma. Examples: Parker (2000) asserted... In a recent study (Parker, 2000)...

When a work has two authors, both must be cited every time the reference occurs in the text.

When a work has three or more authors, only the last name of the first author is cited, followed by “et al.”. Example: Marvakis et al. (2005) concluded that...

If two or more works by different authors in the same reference, authors’ names and publication years are written separated by a semicolon within the same parentheses. Example: In several studies (Parker, 2000; Hook, 2005; Montero & Fernández, 2007) it was concluded that...



The manuscript should end with an ordered list of references. The list is titled “References” and maintains an exact relationship with the citations appearing in the manuscript’s text. The list is sorted alphabetically by the author’s last name and the initials of his or her given names.



Autor, A. A. (first edition year). Book Title. City of Publication: Editor or Publishing House, year of the used edition (if different from the first edition year).


Páramo, R. (2006). El psicoanálisis y lo social: ensayos transversales. Valencia, Universidad de Valencia.

Fromm, E. (1964). El corazón del hombre. México D.F., Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1980.



Author, A. A. (first edition year). “Chapter Title”. In: Editor’s name (Ed.), Book Title [first page-last page]. City of Publication: Publishing House, year of the used edition (if different from the first edition year).


Parker, I. (2000b). “Four Story-Theories About and Against Postmodernism in Psychology”. En: L. Holzman and J. Morss (Eds) Postmodern Psychologies: Societal Practice and Political Life [pp. 29-48], Nueva York: Routledge.

Rhodakanaty, P. (1881). “Racionalismo y positivismo”. En: Obras (pp. 151-159). México D.F.: UNAM, 1998.



Author, A. A. (first edition year). “Article Title”. Journal Title, year of the used edition (if different from the first edition year), vol., pages.

Example: Parker, I. (2008). “Psychoanalytic Theory and Psychology: Conditions of Possibility for Clinical and Cultural Practice”. Theory & Psychology 18 (2), 147-165.


Online articles:

Jiménez-Domínguez, B. (2000). Contra la lógica binaria y la ilusión de la pureza. Revista Universidad de Guadalajara, 17. (accessed 16 September 2010)







E n l a c e s

Annual Review of Critical Psychology
Kritische Psychologie 
Radical Psychology Network 
Psychology in Society
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Research 
Social psychology Compass (critical psychology)
Proyecto de psicología crítica
Psicología crítica, contrapsicología y antipsiquiatría
A Peste


 Copyright © Teoría y crítica de la psicología, 2011-2014. Todos los derechos reservados.